people keep writing me asking for
I mean, ME, of all people
I think it all started with my wife.
Yeah. That's the ticket, I'll blame her.
We used to get these pleas for money
an Indian school and perhaps
orphanage out west somewhere.
One time they offered us an Indian
if we gave them $100.
I mean, who could pass that up, so
we did.
We got this fleece kinda thing that
was made in China.
You know the charity with the kids
who need cleft palate repair?
Well, Patty used to fork over ten or
twenty bucks every time she got something
from them in the mail.
Turns out the guy who runs the
charity makes about 800K a year.
It seems that Barack, Elizabeth
Warren, Sherrod Brown, Alan Grayson,
Truthout, MoveOn, and organizations
I haven't even heard of
are totally gonna lose their
elections or go under if I don't
come up with at least $25 apiece for
them. I've never been this important.
So Patty weaseled me into writing a
check to Michelle
for enough to pay for the brake job I
need on the old Volvo
But that's it. No more mister nice
guy. I'm gonna start direct emailing
these people and asking them for
But I ain't voting for Romney no
matter how much superPac money he spends.
Why? Because then I'd REALLY
be a sucker.
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